President. David Grier Martin Records, 1950-1968
Scope and Contents
General Description: Given the number of important changes in the college during Martin's tenure, his records cover a wide range of important topics.Information on integration can be found under the following folder titles: Faculty Committee on Congolese Students, International Students (Congolese), Housing - Negro, Integration - Correspondence (A-L), Integration - Correspondence (Mc-Z), Integration - Policy/Brochures/Bulletins/Clippings, and YMCA - Negro Student Loan Fund. Information on the building of Little and Richardson Dormitories is available in the following files: Dormitories - Miscellaneous, Little Dormitory, and Richardson Dormitory - Dedication/General. Information on the development of the foreign study program and international students is available in the following files: Faculty Committee on Foreign Study, Faculty committee on Non-Western Studies, Internatioanl Students (Congolese), International Students - Miscellaneous, and International Study Programs. Information on the Richardson Scholars is available in the following files: Richardson Foundation, Richardson Fellows Program, Kamm (Norberto, Richardson Scholar) '62, Kapor (Ashok, Richardson Scholar) '61, Richardson Foundation Scholarship Program, and Richardson Scholars. Information on student and faculty housing is available in the files: Housing - Student, and Faculty/Staff Housing. There is also extensive amount of information on the Faculty Vow under the files with that same name. Information on various scholarships and lectures can be found under the file name with the scholarship/lecture name. The Ford Foundation file contains correspondence, news releases, periodic progress reports with a focus on the Ford Challenge Grant. The file includes a letter (4/7/65) to Dean Rusk concerning his role in the program, a proposal for additional courses ini public speaking and debate, a handwritten noe on the progress of the first African-American students, a letter from the faculty accompanying a contribution to the fund, information on the Humanities program and a proposal with identify and prepare talented public school 7th and 8th grade African-American students for eventual college admission. Folder Descriptions: Folder Aa-Ai contains multiple correspondences between Dr, Martin and Reverend William Abbot '47 about the lack of racial integration at Davidson, as well as letters between the college and Dr. Tony Abbott regarding his potential employment. Also included in this folder is a letter from Wallace Abbott '52 expressing his support for the admission of Congolese students, two letters from Thomas S. Abernathy Jr. '40 indicating his cessation of his fiancial support to the endowment fund due to the Trustee vote NOT to allow racial integration at Davidson.The folder also includes some assorted exchanges with alumni regarding honor code violations, informing them of their delayed graduation due to the lack of sufficient credits, general pleasantries with their families and inquiries about getting a water-cooled air conditioning system. There is also correspondence between Dr. Tony Abbott and Martin regarding his potential future employment Davidson. The folder also contains letters relating to honor code, air-conditioning and graduation credits. Folder Al contains a correspondance between Dr. Martin and Reverend H.N. Alexander '10 regarding Dr. Martin's decision to invite an atheist speaker to campus as well as his decision to lift a ban on communist speakers. There is also a letter from Hooper Alexander III, '52 expressing his oppositon to the proposed Fraternity Affiliation system. Also included is correspondence between Dr. Martin and Dr. S.C. Alexander '51 regarding the possibility of increasing funding for athletics in light of the basketball team's success under Coach Dreisell and a letter from Rufus Allison '40 indicating his intention to stop contributions to Davidson because of liberal views expressed by an Ecomomics professor in the local newspaper (the response to this letter is included as well). The George L. Abernathy folder correspondence dealing with the issue of whether faculty in the Philosophy Department should have to be officers or ministers in the Presbyterian Church, in addition to whether there should be a change in student Vespers attendance, discussing the idea of having a faculty vow" as a part of the individual faculty inauguration ceremony, as well as letters supporting the admission of Congolese students. There are two files of records of donations from Julius W. Abernathy, the Chairman of the Board for Carolina Mills, Inc. as well as a member of the Board of Visitors. There is also record of a file of correspondences from R.S. Abernethy, Jr. who seemed to have a close personal relationship with Dr. Martin and a loyal financial contributor to the college. In the Academic Freedom folder there are letters related to the college's policy to allow controversial speakers and letters complaining about Dr. Patterson (a faculty member at the time). The W.L. Adams folder includes correspondenec before, during and after his time as a professor of military science at Davidson, including an unsuccessful attempt by Dr. Martin to hire Colonel Adams as his presidential assistant. The Admissions, 1958-1959 folder has college admissions policy statements, summaries of admissions decisions, correspondence with parents over admission standards, letters about athletes, and readmission criteria discussions. The Admission, 1960-1961 folder contains letters focused on individual applicants, discussions on the handling of correspondence and athletic folders, and the admission of athletes, legacies and other special categories. There is also correspondence on spliting registar and admissions officies. The Admission, 1962-1963 folder includes correspondence with alumni about admissions brochure, criteria of selection used by admissions, problems experience by applicants interacting with admissions personel. The Admission, 1964-1965 folder encompasses exchanges about special admission request from coaches, results on Davidson College Alumni and High Schools questionaire, correspondence about admission concerns from alumni from High Point, NC, and many letters discussing problems caused by the increase in applicants. The Agnes Scott College folder contains articles dicussing decision to hire only faculty committed to the Christian faith and also integration. The John M. Akers '28 folder includes correspondence related to major gifts to college, lawsuit, donations to football program, recommendation for an honorary degree, need for state-wide community college system and involvement with Dana Challenege Program. The Alcohol Use of, 1959-1968 folder contains extensive correspondence about proposal to condone drinking on campus, alumni letters against liberalization of rules on alcohol, history of drinking on campus, results on student use and posession questionaire and college policy The Ralph H. Alexander Jr. '49 folder encompasses involvement in atheltic programs. The Honorary Ivan Allan Jr. and Ivan Allen Sr. folder includes congratulatory correspondence on becoming Mayor of Atlanta, and map correspondence. The Alpha Tao Omega Folder contains minutes from meeting discussing revisition of Fraternity Affliation Program and handling of social affiliated systems. The Alumni Association Folder includes results from a study of non-donor graduates, correspondence concerning by-law revisions and results on post-graduate distribution questionaire. The Alumni Chairs Folder contains information about the decision to award chairs to every retiring and retired faculty, and ways to use chairs as a fundraiser. The Alumni Journal Folder includes issues appearing in journals such as admissions procedure. The Alumni Meetings folder includes correspondence and involvement with individual, local alumni clubs. The Alumni Reunion folder contains proposed changes in date for alumni reunions, and presidents interest in and involvement with reunion. The Alumi Weekend folder includes planning for first alumni weekend after change in date, and suggestions for future weekends. The AM-AY folder contains information about correspondence with family of W.L. Ambrose Jr. and issues of his involvement with the college. The AAUP folder includes concerns about faculty salaries, work load and including benefits as part of compensation. The ACE folder includes presidents lack of involvement with ACE, various policy statements defining relationship between federal government and college, and a profile of the college questionaire. The Robert T. Amos Sr. '47 folder contains correspondence about problems with alumni from High Point, NC and the Davidson College Admissions program. The Howard Arbuckle folder contains correspondence about his son's college career and the sponsorship of annual Pi Kappa Alpha award. The William C Archie '29 file includes correspondence about the Board of Visitors, faculty vows, and Archie's career as an educator, admissions policies and faculty salary comparisons. The Architects file contains correspondence with Luther Lashmit that shows the president's involvement in campus planning. The Edward Armfield '37 folder contains correspondence reflects a long-standing friendship and discusses a range of topics from his donations, plans for fund-raising for athletic facilities and merit scholarships. The Isabel Arnold file contains correspondence about family artifacts, furniture in the President's house and cemetery plots. The Artist Serives file has information on the difficulties of arranging accommodations for Odetta due to lack of integrated facilities in Charlotte in 1963 and exchanges about scheduling issues, ticket prices and a financial statement for the 1959 series. The Association of American Colleges files reflects Martin's involvement with the group as its treasurer. The Association of Medical Colleges files show Martin's interest in Davidson students pursuing medical careers and has reports on Davidson graduates in medical schools crom 1959-1965. The Athletic Council file contains correspondence about special admissions criteria for athletes and athletic scholarships for basketball and football players, minutes of Athletic Council meetings, and early (1958) references to the possibility of a Lake Campus. The Athletics - Baseball folder discusses admission policies for non-subsized athletic teams. The Athletics - Basketball folders have information on recruitment of African-American players, questions about the program's value to the college and town, coaches Drisell and Holland, the beginnings of summer camps, scholarship programs, the blackballing of a basketball official, conflicts with Duke's program, and the growth of Davidson's program. Athletics - Football has correspondence about public relations, schedules, admission criteria and scholarhips, legal liabilities, need for trainers and team physicians. questions about discontinuing the team or changing conferences to play against teams with similar academic standards for admission, future of team in relation to growing popularity of basketball, recruiting issues, and a coach search. Athletics - General folders have discussions about subsidizing programs, budgets, use of athletic facilities by outside groups, role and authority of faculty committees, Davidson's sports broadcasting network, conference changes, costs of recruiting, handling of concessions, and student medical insurance. For some topics, there are reports from other colleges on how they handle specific issues. Athletics - Policy has the 1967 Trustee Special Committee on Athletic Policies report, a policy on Sunday games and practices, additional trustee statements and a questionnaire sent to college athletic directors. Athletics - Publicity has correspondence on staffing, the handling of a purported rejection of an African- American recruit, press releases about the team and coach Drisell, ticket sales and donors, and working with local newspapers and networks. Athletics - Sailing has a discussion of reasons for sailing on Sundays (see also Athletics- Policy) and budgeting for the team. Athletics -Scheduling has an exchange between Martin and the president of Williams College about a potential football match, correspondence between a faculty committee and the Athletic Director about scheduling, and arrangements for a Duke vs. Davidson basketball game. Athletics -Soccer has correspondence about an incident at a game against UNC in 1960 and the possibility of changing from a part-time coach to a full-time coach as part of the PE department. Athletics - Tennis has requests for a fifth hard surface court for faculty use, funding for hard surface court from the Duke Endowment, and the holding of Southern Junior and Boy's Tennis Championships. Athletics - Tickets has information on the planning of sales and relationships with donors and local alumni and businesses. The Awards folders provide background on the establishment of the awards and lists of recipients. The Thomas Jefferson Award file shows Davidson's involvement in the expansion of the award to other campuses and the role of the Robert E. McConnell Foundation. The Jinks Jervery Award file documents ending of the award. The Ba-Bd file contains correspondence from Harry'13 and Joseph Bachman '48, Laurence Baggett, a blind student in the class of 1960, and Henry Bahnson '41 and a truste. Correspondence with C. A. Baird '45 about graduation requirements; with John Baker '57 about fraternity system reform, and with Robert Balsley '41 about the faculty vow. There is also a history of bands at Davidson by D. R. Freeman, '21. Correspondence with Henry Banks '32 is about staffing the Lake Campus; with Kenneth Barker about fraternities,with Hutton Barrow '38 and Wade Barrow '38 about athletics, and George Baughman about his presidency of a Florida college. Charles Babcock, Sr and Jr files dicuss the board of visitors, fund-raising, and personal lives. The Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation file has a history of the foundation, proposals to the foundation for the Liberal Arts Program for Teachers (1968) and curricular revisions (1967), press releases, plans for a new library wing, financing for Project of the Americas (PRAM) , scholarships and computer equipment and a 1961 map with colleges marked. The John C. Bailey file has correspondence related to his work as Dean of Students as well as serving on non-profit board, a 1961 statement on Use of Alcoholic Beverages and 1959 statement of graduation requirements. The John Baker file discusses admission requirements and integration. The Lenox Baker file has letters on athletics and possible grant sfrom the NC Orthopaedic Association. The James Batten '57 file discusses his work in getting articles on Davidson in the Charlotte Observer and an offer to work for the college. The Be file includes correspondence about fraternities (Ovid Bell) and a faculty club (R. Bernard"). The Ernest Beaty '21 file includes a resolution honoring Beaty, arrangements for Martin's retirement, the Statement of Purpose, and a land offer. The John Belk '43 file documents his donations to the college and involvement in community and college activities. The John C. Bernhardt file has a review of weekly employee salary and benefits. Beta Theta Pi Fraternity file has correspondence with the national fraternity over rush policies. The Osborne Bethea '22 file has correspondence about fund-raising and John Bevan file has exchanges about staff positions at Davidson. The Bi-Br file has letters from Perry Biddle, Kurt Biedenkopf '50, Paul Biggers '59, Barry Billington '64, Andrew Bird '31, Joseph Bird '65, Alfred Bixler '39, Richard Blackwelder '58, Kenneth Blair, Tucker Blaine '53, Robert Blair '66, Hunter Blakely, Mercer Blankenship '57, Richard Blanks '50, Frank Bliss, Charles Blue '64, David Blue '33, Mrs. Waylon Blue, Robert Blumer, LeGette Blythe. The Eugene Bingham '49 file concerns athletics and the role of college in preparing students for the future. The Edward Bivens '37 file concerns proposals for fund-raising and the football program. The Taylor Blackwell file has correspondence related to his work as the college's director of publicity as well about the football program and a Dean Rusk visit to campus. The Franklin Bloodworth '57 file concerns fraternities. The Bo file contains letters from R. A. Boggers '29, C. A. Boggs '62, Marion Boggs '15, Wade Boggs '07, Wade Bolt, Jack Bond '63, G. W Bondurant '57, Daniel W. Boone '66, Richard Booth '64, Carey Bostian, M. G. Boswell '15, Margaret Bourdaeaux, John Bourier '26, Henry Bowden, Hargrove Bowles, James Boyce, W. A. Boyce, '49, J. A. Boyd '12, Quinton Boyd '61 and Samuel Boyte '68. The Board of Visitors files concern by-laws and mission of BoV, reports to the board, and general correspondence with board members. The Wade Boggs '37 file has a summary of a questionnaire sent to the class of 1937. The William Bondurant '58 file deals with his work as the administrative assistant and legal advisor to the president. The Book of theYear/Semester file has information about the implementation of the program and publicity. The Br file has letters from D. S. Bradford '58, Robert Bradford '62, Wallace Bradford '28, W. Z. Bradford '24, John Bradshaw '32, Barry Branch '62, W. C. Branton '36, L. R. Braswell, G. M. Braunch, David Breiter '62, Charles Bremer '60, A. G. Brenizer '36, W. F. Brewer '35, John Brice, S. G. Bridgman '58, Ralph Bright '58, Willis Briley '55 (early integration), Robert H. Brindle '55, George Brinkley '53, Carrie Brittain, H. C. Brockmann '55, T. W. Brohard '30, J. L. Brooks '57, T. H. Brooks (faculty vow). The Brow-Bry file has letters from Alton Brown, Aubrey Brown '29, C. K. Brown, Donald Brown '13, E. D. Brown '63, Morrison Brown '59, E. E. Brown '53, G. T. Brown '67, J.L. Brown '30, J. M. Brown '32, Lee R. Brown, M. J. Brown, Paul Brown ' 33, Scott Brown '30, Stewart Brown '69, Sutherland Brown, J. E. Broyhill, Vernon Broyles '27, R. F. Brubaker '59, J. M. Bruce '44, Herbert Bruning, G. W. Bryant '49, J. R. Byrant '42, and R.C. Bryson. The Harlee Branch'27 file has letters about fund-raising as well as personal exchanges and family news. The letters in the Charloes Brawer file focus on the teaching of economics while the letters in the Cage Brewer '39 file discuss alumni activites and integration and admissions standards. The University of Bridgeport file concerns science programs and nominations for a dean position. The Alan Brinklely files has letters about campus security and the decision to grant Brinkley tenure even though he was not formally a member of the Presbyterian Church. The C. Lynnwood Brown '37 file has letters about trustee activities and the faculty vow issue. The Gordon Brown '35 file concerns the Ford Foundation refusal of a grant application because Davidson had no African-American students enrolled and personal matters.s The Steven Brown '32 file is primarily personal exchanges while the William C. Brown '27 file concerns student life, particularly alcohol, fraternities and scholarships. There is additional correspondence on fraternities in the Donald Bryant '48 file. The Bu-By file has correspondence from James Buchanan, Henry Bucher '58, P.W. Bumbarger '41, Rudolph Bumgardner, Burnie Bunch, Augustus Burgdorf '60 , John Burks '66, Philip Burks '64, Mary Jane Burleson, William Wade Burley, A. W. Burns '35, Lanier Burns '65, Newton Burns' 62, Louis Burton '62, Jerry Bussell '62, Curtis Bynum and Charles Byrd '68. The Budgets, 1966-68 file has budget reports and a report of Social Security Admendments on TIAA-CREF retirement accoutnts. The Burling Industries/Foundation file has letters about hiring Davidson graduates and funding student scholarships and a report on alumni in the textile industray by C. Shaw Smith. The D. Brantly Burns file has letters about the Living Endowment. The Richard Burts file has examples of mailings from the Dean of Students to the campus. the 1963 annual report, and exchanges with local women's colleges about party weekends. The Munroe Bush '42 file has letters about Martin consulting for Vorheese College and fund-raising. The George Buttrick file has letters about his talks at Davidson. Letters in he Alvin Cain '52 and C. E. Calcote '51 concern admissions and integration. The N.S. Calhoun file concerns the Richardson Scholars while the Richard Calhoun file concerns his decision to leave the college. The Robert F. Campbell file concerns an editorial from the Winston-Salem Journal about Davidson's integration. The Carl Carlson files focus on the Richardson Scholars program, The John Carson file discusses regulations for accepting credits from other schools. The G.H. Cartledge file has letters on integratioi and his scientific work. The Calvary Presbyterian Church file concerns the new location of the church. The John Bulow Campbell Foundation files have correspondence about grant proposals for the Cunningham Fine Arts Building and the Humanities program. The letters in the Scott Candler '07 file concern student support of mill workers, admission policies, and the faculty oath. The Hubert Cannon '53 file concerns his election as an alumni trustee, fund-raising, and faculty salaries. The William Cannon '36 file concerns integration. The O.C. Carmichael letters concern federal non-discrimination regulations and their impact on funding and the Citizen's National Committee for Higher Education. The Daniel Carrell '63 letters focus on fraternities and the firing of Professor Goodyknootz. The McAliser Carson letters concern an atheist speaker on campus, integration and fund-raising. The Joseph Carter '09 letters have a description of student's efforts to reach a swimming hole before the Lake Campus was created. The College Catalog file includes discussions on publication schedules and the decision to include the Statement of Purpose in the 1964 catalog. The Ce -Ch-Ci file has letters from Dwight Chambers'20, E T. Chandler '50, Lloyd Chapin '58, Marshall Chapman '45, Charlotte Symphony, Charles Chastiain '59, William Child '51, Edwin Child '69, Ken Childs '67, Edith Christian, William Christian '27, Kent Christopher '48 and R. E. Chumbly '65 as well as letters concerning cheerleaders and the live bobcat mascot. The College Cemetery file contains information about the history of the cemetery and current operations. The Centre College file letters concern student chapel and salaries. The Chapel/Assembly/Vespers files contain information about changes in policies, speakers, faculty at-homes, student conduct, trustee statements on role of religious exercises and a side conversation on fraternity pledging. The Carleton Chapman '36 file contains a 1968 address to pre-medical students and news about his appointment as Dean of the Dartmoth Medical School. The James Chapman '43 file correspondence concerns the faculty vow. The Charlotte College (later UNCC) file has letters about overlapping programs. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools has some information about the integration of public schools and letters from Davidson Elementary school about staffing. The Charlotte News file has correspondence about possible stories, financial aid, integration and articles by faculty. The Charlotte Observer file has correspondence about news stories and a small controversy over the timing of a college announcement. The Chi Psi Fratnernity file has correspondence about the possibility of chapter at Davidson and the rejection of the offer. The Civil Defense/Fallout Shelter file has correspondence with town and county officials about shelters on campus, the 1963-64 report of the Fallout Preparedness Committee, a survival plan for students, and campus building survey. The Cl-Col file has correspondence from L. W. Clardy '27, C. Clark '29, D. Clark '68, Eric Clark '52, James Clark '07, John Clark '42, Gen. Mark Clark, Sam Clark '63, Samuel Clark '59, Tom Clark '49, William Clark ''66, William Clarke, James Cleland, R. Slaton Clemons '30, Woody Cleveland '66, Harry Cline '62, Robert Cline '48, George Coan '11, H.F. Cobb, '26, Whitlock Cobb, '50, Robert Coble '50, Baxter Cochran '57, Norman Cocke, R. D. Coffey '60, Robert Coit '35, F. Benton Cole '63, Jerry Cole '61, Woody Coleman '66, Thomas Coleman '66, L. D. Coltrane '40, Thomas Colwin '61. The Paul Clyde file has correspondence about the Ford Challenge Grant, non-Western studies and his speech for orientation "Education in the Liberal Arts" and comments to the AAUP, "The Liberal Arts College in the Contest between the Past and the Future,"and a Rotary talk "The Business of Higher Education." The College Bowl file has lengthy correspondence about Davidson's appearance on the program. The College Union file has letters about campus-wide scheduling, naming rooms, programming and an informal publication about the Ovens Union. The Colleges and Universities file has correspondence from a broad range of institutions about student drinking, acceptance of tranfer students from 2-year colleges and summer credits, and sharing faculty. The Com-Coy file has letters from Joel Conarroe '56, Gerald Conboy, Bonnie Cone, Lewis Conner, W.P. conyers '43, Doug Cook '70, S. H. Cook '09, Arthur Cooke '37, Charles Cooke '59, James Cooper '40, W. M. Cooper '26, Mrs. L. C. Copeland, Reese Coppage '64, Walter Coppedge '52, Leon Corbett '31, Thomas Corbin '37, Howard Cornelson '65, Charles Cornwell '61, Samuel Cothran '38, Steven Couch '69, Tom Couch, William Couch '59, William Council '66, Charles Cousar '55, Howard Covingtion '37, Roy Covington '50, W. E. Covington '34, W. T. Covington '27, Alber Cowan '62, James Cowan '40 and Benny Coxton '64. Topics covered incllude a survey on presidentally controlled discretionary funds, integration and fraternities. The Commencement files contain notes about the program, some honorary degree and award citations, programs for building dedications, the 1961 commencement address by Wiliam Friday, the discontinution of commencement speakers, alumni luncheon talk, a letter from F. L. Jackson to the class of 1906, and copies of event programs. The Community Relations file has letters about admitting local residents, particularly donors to athletic events and a breakdown of seating that includes 28 'balcony bleachers for Negroes. The Computer file has letters about the acquisition of the first IBM computer for the college and discussions about the potential administrative and academic uses of computers and pay scales for student assistants. The Conferences file has letters about conferences hosted at Davidson College including the NC Academy of Science, Synod Youth Conference, Women of the church, Westminister Fellowship and the State Counselors Conference. The Consolidated Presbyterian Colleges file concerns the role of religious activities ad Davidson. The Converse College file concerns a Trustee workshop on the future of independent liberal arts colleges. The J. C. Cooper file has Martin's response concerns over non-Christian speakers. The Council for Financial Aid to Education file has questionnaires completed by Davidson in 1960, 1967 and 1968. The Counseling and Guidance file has information on the hiring of a clinical pyschiatrist consultant, the need for counseling for freshmen and sophomores and the desire for a review of counseling services at Davidson. The Robert Covington '29 file has a summary of construction costs from 1961-64. The Thomas Covington '61 letters concern the student union, reorganization of the college's administrative structure, SAE fraternity, and Coach Lefty Driesell. The Cr to CZ file has letters from A.W. Craig, George Cramer, Scott Cramer, Paul Crane '41, W. E. Crane '22, W. H. Crane '43, Eugene Craven '53, John Crawford '59, Charles Creech '29, John Creech '33, W. M. Croker '32, Robert Croom '30, Robert Croom '60, William Crosland '49, A.M. Crowell '47, Wayne Crumwell '68, W. H. Culp '45, William Cumming '18, Charles Cunningham '49, Ray Cunningham '51, Fred Curdtz '32, Armand Currie '21, Mrs. Archibald Currie, James Currie '39, Kenneth Currie '32, Marie Currie; Neill Currie '26 and Tom Cutting '59. The Tomas Moore Craig file has a letter about the Junior Abroad program. The Charles Crutchfield file concerns the efforts of Ernest Patterson to negatively impac the FCC licensing of WBTV and WBT. The William Cumming file has correspondence about the faculty vow and his map collection. The John Cunningham file has informal correspondence between the former and current presidents about college programs, fund-raising, faculty vow, local clergyman William McDaniel (Reeves Temple AME Zion), integration, cemetery improvements, moving Elm Row and Vespers. The Cunningham Fines Arts files provide a detailed history of the development of the buildings design, faculty input and fund-raising. The Fergus Currie file concerns Currie's work to access speech ability and needs of Davidson students. The Laughlin Currie file has letters about fraternities, campus speakers, and integration. The Robert Currie file has letters concerning his work as the college's Business Manager including the need for a comptroller, endowment funds, and rental properties. The DA file contains letters from John Daffin '18, Robert Daffin '32, Mark Dagenhart '57, William Daisy '65, Andrew Dale '41, Parks Dalton '52, Eugene Daniel, J. J. Daniel, Ted Daniel '52, William Daniel, Guy Dardell, Charles Daugherty '59, Donald Davidson '65, Lloyd Davidson '67. Robert Davidson '23, Sydney Davidson, Stephan Davidson '65, Alfred Davies '52,Archie Davis, Grier Davis '58, James Davis '62, James Davis '44, John Davis '23, Joseph Davis '66, M. D. Davis '62, Robert Davis '32, Thomas Davis '33, W. J. Davis '33, Walter Davis '27, William Davis '38 and W. C. Davidson. Topics include the North Carolina Medical College and regulations for women on dance weekends. The Harry Dalton file has letters about a $15,000 grant from the Monsanto Fund. The Charles Dana file has biographical material and correspondence concerning his contributions to the Dana Science building and Cunningham Fine Arts. The Dana Challege Fund files have correspondence about fund-raising for a matching grant, student scholarships, plans for student union addition, lake campus, a letter from Osmond Barringer about the first x-ray at Davidson and a summary of major gifts from the Dana Foundationi to Davidson. The Dana Scholarship program has reports 1960-1970, lists of students receiving scholarships, letters about using the scholarship to attract students from community colleges, financial aid worksheet, and the original agreement. The Dana Science building file has plans, reports on building problems and landscaping, the draft of a speech and planning for the dedication. The Danforth Foundation file has leters about Davidson's inclusion in a study of colleges with religious ties, criteria for awarding graduate fellowships, Danforth associates on campus and Davidson faculty appointed as associates and materials for 1959 Campus Community Workshops. The Davidson, Town of - General file has letters on the integration of Ralph Johnson's barbershop, traffic lights, town ordinances on picketing, parades and demonstrations, the town's Community Relations Committee, a day care facility, economic survey of the town, student tutors, zoning, bonds, town hall loan, housing, maps and the fire department. The Florida Presbyterian College file has exchanges about the newly established college and examples of Davidson policies and practices. The Faculty-Trustee Retreat files have planning notes, agendas, as well as reviews and summaries.There are copies of talks from the 1962 and 1966 retreats including Dan Rhodes remarks on religious life at Davidson. The Ford Challenge Grant files have correspondence and internal memos about grants, a faculty survey, news clippings, and printed reports and newsletters. The Z.Smith Reynolds Foundation file includes an itemized history of the interaction between the college and the foundation from 1955 to 1965. Dormitories - E. H. Little|Patterson Coturt|Dana Science Building|Dormitories - Richardson|Foreign Study Program|Humanities Program|Integration|Awards -- The Vereen Bell|Awards -- The Thomas Jefferson|Awards -- The Jinks Jervey|Awards -- Algernon Sydney Sullivan|Faculty Vow|Lecture Series--Otts|Lecture Series--Reynolds|Lecture Series--Staley|Scholarships--Athletic|Scholarships--Baker, George F.|Scholarships-- Gambrell, Robert Hagood|Schol
- Creation: Majority of material found within 1950 - 1968
- President. Martin (David Grier) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Some files have limited access, particularly correspondence files from private citizens.
Biographical / Historical
A graduate of Davidson College, class of 1932, Grier Martin served as Davidson College treasurer under President Cunningham. He was forty-eight years old when he accepted the presidency of Davidson College and already had demonstrated service, loyalty, and superb administrative ability during his seven years as college treasurer. A native of Covington, Georgia, Martin attended Emory University and Harvard Business School for his graduate studies. He was awarded honorary degrees from King College, Wake Forest University, Duke University, Erskine College, Davidson College, and the University of North Carolina. During Martin's administration, the permanent endowment greatly increased and several construction projects were completed or near completion including the E.H. Little Dormitory, Patterson Fraternity Court, Dana Science Building, and Richardson Dormitory. Martin, also, witnessed growth in student enrollment and faculty size, a new curriculum including a foreign study program and humanities courses, the Reynolds Lectures and Richardson Scholars, racial integration, the beginning of data processing, successful financial campaigns, and solid advances in faculty salaries, housing, and fringe benefits.
65 Boxes, 2 binders boxes
The files are arranged in alphabetical order according to subject.
Physical Location
Range A Section 4-6
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the College Archives Repository