Showing Collections: 101 - 125 of 283
Dos Generaciones Alliance (DGA). Records, 2003-2009
This collection consists of records held by the group and copies of email correspondence that went out to the college campus. The files include constitutions, charters, applications to the Activities Tax Council, grant applications, examples of presentations and fundraising information. There is also a file of articles and research about La Chureca. The files are organized following the sections of the ring binder shared by the officers. Student Organizations|La Chureca|Managua City Dump
. Eighteen Students
The file consists of a single, unaddressed document, dated May 26, 1952, and signed by eighteen student leaders of the classes of 1952, 1953 & 1954. It contains what the students refer to as constructive criticism regarding academic life, religious life and athletics at Davidson College.
Emanon Co-Ed Eating House. Records, 1985-1987
The collection contains a a copy of the March 25, 1987 "Campus Chronicle." There are also copies of invitations.
Environmental Action Coalition (EAC). Records, 2003-
Equestrian Team. Records, 2007
The first folder consists of email correspondence concerning meetings, practices, and other club affairs. The second folder consists of the team's logo and consitution, as well as a lesson form.
Eumenean Society. Records, 1838 - 2004
Fannie and Mable Co-Ed Eating House. Records, 1982-1985
The records contain two newspaper articles about the house and an invitation to a New Year's party.
Financial Aid. Publicity Files
The collection consists of publications and news releases for financial aid programs and scholarships. Examples of application forms and additional publications are housed in Admissions (RG 7/1) printed materials files.
Founder's Day. Records
The files contain newspaper articles, invitations, and program brochures for the various Founder's Days throughout the years.
Friends of the Arts. Records, 1990-
This collection consists of printed materials, brochures, pamphlets, and stationary from the Friends of the Arts. There are also copies of the Advisory Board Handbook which contains information about the group and its activities. The handbook is updated annually.
Gamma Sigma Epsilon. Records, 1925-1940
Gamut Dance Company. Records
The Printed Materials folder contains flyers and programs. The Records folder contains Gamut;'s history (as of 2009), consistution, and PE credit policy.
Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA). Records, 2001-
This collection contains event announcements, meeting flyers, articles concerning the creation of the Gay-Straight Alliance, and flyers concerning the Day of Silence. The 2008-9 Correspondence and Records folder contains email correspondence and a summary of the year's events/activities.
Generals. Records, 1996 -
The first folder, entitled "Correspondence, 2006 & Website" contains an e-mail to the Archives Fellow in 2006, a Davidsonian article, and some printed pages from their website. The second folder contains flyers dating from 1996 to the present.
Grants and Contracts/Office of Sponsored Programs
Green Dot Bystander Intervention
Habitat for Humanity. Correspondence, 2005-2006
This folder contains e-mail correspondence announcing different dates for different builds in the Mooresville and Cornelius sites in the 2005-2006 academic year. The second folder contains a few pieces of correspondence, one agenda, and eight sign-up sheets from the 2007-2008 academic year.
Technology and Innovation
This collection contains materials such as memoranda, purchasing agreements, and project planning. Topics addressed include the implementation of the campus-wide network, and the Michelangelo virus.
Institutional Advancement- Executive Director
Inter-Organizational Forum. Records, 1975-1976
The collection consists of a notice, statement of purpose, and membership list.
Interfaith. Records, 1999-
The "Records, 1999-2000" folder contains correspondence, flyers, budgets, and more related to Interfaith and its events. The "Correspondence" folder contains email correspondence concerning events and meetings.
Interfraternity Council (IFC). Records, 1946-1965
The files contain copies of invitations to the Spring Frolics Dances, MidWinters Dances, and Homecoming Dances. There also are several copies of the IFC Highlights Newsletter produced in 1962 and copies of the IFC Annual Report of 1964.
International Students Association. Records
The records consist of by-laws, minutes and budget materials for the executive board, newsletters, and publications issued by the association. Additional records relating to International Students can be found in the records of the Office of International Students- RG 6/5.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IV or IVCF). Records, 1986-
The Administrative Notes & Publicity folder consists of two revised versions of the Intervarsity constitution, a letter to freshmen, statement of purpose and explanation, and a flyer for a revival. Correspondence contains e-mail exchanges within the organizations announcing events, meetings, and other announcements concerning IV.