Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 27
Albert Crossley Wildman Papers
Alpha Book Club Records
The collection consists of programs for the club.
Ann M. Mills Letter
The collection consists of a letter dated July 8, 1869. The letter, written to family members, describes her life and the Davidson College 1869 graduation.
Aplian Book Club Collection
The collection consists of annual program booklets, minutes and by-laws. The program booklets list members, officers, and the topics for each meeting. Some of the booklets also identify specific books read. The minutes describe individual meetings and also include some book lists, attendance records and treasurer's reports. The Club is still active.
As You Like It Book Club Collection
The collection consists of annual program booklets. The booklets list members, officers, and program topics for meetings.
Athenaeum Book Club Collection
The collection consists of copies of the Constitution and By-laws, 1952-1996 minutes, 1951-2008; programs, 1954- ; correspondence, 1956-1990; and a club cookbook, 1965-1966. The minutes list members, describe club activities and contain financial reports. The correspondence is primarily thank you notes and membership accecptances or resignations. The programs are annual program booklets that list officers, members, books read, and program topics.
Benjamin Ulysses Ratchford Collection
Booklovers' Club of Davidson Collection
The collection consists of a copy of the Constitution and By-laws, undated; minutes, 1901-1907, 1924-1969; membership lists, 1916-1976; correspondence, 1944-1994, histories, 1923, 1958-1960; programs, 1907-1996; clippings, 1948; and photographs.
Centennial Book Club Collection
The collection consists of annual program booklets, minutes, and corresponedence. The booklets include member lists, officer lists, and the topics for programs. The dates covered are 1939 to 2023; some programs from the 1940s are missing. The minutes date from 1937 to 1942 and 1987 to 1997. Correspondence and clippings about the club are filed within the minutes.
Daughters of the American Revolution. Battle of Cowan's Ford Chapter (Mecklenburg County, NC) Collection
The collection consists of correspondence, by-laws, annual reports, financial records, yearbooks, scrapbooks and memorabilia. The correspondence deals with chapter activities and the publication of Seventy Five Years of Service. The annual reports are from 1961-1965, 1970-1975. The yearbooks are from 1962-1968. The financial records are for the Seventy Five Years of Service. The scrapbooks are housed in Oversize.
Davidson Civic Club Records
Davidson College Presbyterian Church - Women of the Church Collection
Davidson Garden Club Records
The collection consists primarily of programs from 1971 to 1997 and a copy of the 1996 By-laws. Copies of articles published in the Mecklenburg Gazette by members of the club are available in the club's Davidsoniana File.
Eighteen Book Club Collection
The collection consists of annual program booklets. The booklets list members, officers, and program topics.
James Thomas Ketchen Belk Collection
The collection consists of manuscript copies of speeches given by Belk in Philanthropic Society meetings and a photostat of a letter written as a student. The speeches include Valedictory and Farewell addresses to the Philanthropic Society, addresses on Female Education and British Poets, and a poem "Marry."
Lacy Family Papers
Literatae Book Club Records
The collection contains one folder of by-laws and committee lists and a series of annual folders which contain minutes, news clippings, membership lists, and program lists.
Lucy Martin Currie Collection
Mary Scofield Clifford Reminiscences
The collection consists of letters written by Clifford to Cornelia Shaw describing her memories of Davidson College. She describes a visit by Stonewall Jackson and her experiences being tutored by the Davidson faculty. See also DC0190s - the Scofield Family Collection, 1883-1962 and undated.
Sorosis Club (Davidson, NC). Collection, 1927-1973
The collection consists of the annual program booklets for the club, 1927-1973. The booklets list club officers, members, and program topics.
Student Wives Club Records
The collection consists of minutes, 1946-1949 and an article on the "Cardboard Village," the student housing for married students.
Tarbelles Book Club Records
The collection consists of a history of the club.
Thelemite Club Collection
Thomas Thweatt Jones Collection
Tuesday Club (Davidson, NC). Collection, 1940-1992
The collection consists of annual program booklets, 1940-1992 and a typescript of a lecture, 1959. The booklets list officers, members and program topics. The lecture was given in 1959 by Mary Black on "Religion in Davidson."