Showing Collections: 26 - 50 of 90
David Gibson Wilson Scrapbook
Davidson African Students Association (DASA). Records
The first folder contains two sets of the Davidson African Students Association constitution and by-laws. The correspondence folder contains e-mail correspondence beginning in March 2002. The printed materials include flyers, announcement, and articles concerning DASA.
Davidson Dance Ensemble. Records, 1986-
The collection consists of publicity materials, copies of email correspondence, newsclippings and an essay on the experiences of the Dance Troupe 1992-1996. There are also videos of performances in the Audio Collection. The folder "Records, 2006-2007" contains class rosters, an email sign-up sheet, and the notes of president Patrica Massey.
Davidson Forum. Correspondence, 2006-
The record contains e-mail correspondence announcing meeting dates and topics for discussion. There is also an article from the Davidson website in the folder.
Davidson International Association (DIA). Records, 2001-
The collection contains the group's constitution, member correspondence, and flyers and pamphlets concerning their International Festivals. There is also a letter, circa October 2000, addressed to Dean Tom Shandley, pleading for the old Outpost on Patterson for the Davidson International Association to be "modeled on the BSC." There are also folders for other student groups with international interests.
Davidson Investment & Financial Association (DIFA). Records, 2004
This file contains a flier for an informational meeting from 2004 and a Davidsonian article concerning its survival.
Davidson Mock Trial Association (DMTA). Records, 1999-
This file contains printed materials, such as e-mail correspondence, fliers, an informational sheet, and articles concering the DMTA's competitions
Davidson Rescue. Correspondence, 2004-2005
There are three e-mails regarding officer elections, meetings, and a note from the defunct president about the end of the organization.
Delilahs. Records, 1998 -
Environmental Action Coalition (EAC). Records, 2003-
Equestrian Team. Records, 2007
The first folder consists of email correspondence concerning meetings, practices, and other club affairs. The second folder consists of the team's logo and consitution, as well as a lesson form.
Gamma Sigma Epsilon. Records, 1925-1940
Gamut Dance Company. Records
The Printed Materials folder contains flyers and programs. The Records folder contains Gamut;'s history (as of 2009), consistution, and PE credit policy.
Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA). Records, 2001-
This collection contains event announcements, meeting flyers, articles concerning the creation of the Gay-Straight Alliance, and flyers concerning the Day of Silence. The 2008-9 Correspondence and Records folder contains email correspondence and a summary of the year's events/activities.
Generals. Records, 1996 -
The first folder, entitled "Correspondence, 2006 & Website" contains an e-mail to the Archives Fellow in 2006, a Davidsonian article, and some printed pages from their website. The second folder contains flyers dating from 1996 to the present.
Habitat for Humanity. Correspondence, 2005-2006
This folder contains e-mail correspondence announcing different dates for different builds in the Mooresville and Cornelius sites in the 2005-2006 academic year. The second folder contains a few pieces of correspondence, one agenda, and eight sign-up sheets from the 2007-2008 academic year.
Hugh Hollingsworth Smith Scrapbook and Papers
Inter-Organizational Forum. Records, 1975-1976
The collection consists of a notice, statement of purpose, and membership list.
Interfaith. Records, 1999-
The "Records, 1999-2000" folder contains correspondence, flyers, budgets, and more related to Interfaith and its events. The "Correspondence" folder contains email correspondence concerning events and meetings.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IV or IVCF). Records, 1986-
The Administrative Notes & Publicity folder consists of two revised versions of the Intervarsity constitution, a letter to freshmen, statement of purpose and explanation, and a flyer for a revival. Correspondence contains e-mail exchanges within the organizations announcing events, meetings, and other announcements concerning IV.
James Mason Westall Scrapbook
Jewish Student Union (JSU)|Hillel. Records, 2002-
This collection contains a Davidsonian article describing the creation of the Jewish Student Union, flyers for JSU-sponsored events, an invitation to Passover Seder, and correspondence with the members.
Junior Sanhedrim Society. Invitation, 1882
The file contains an invitation to join the Junior Sandedrim Society in 1882.
Just Peace. Records, 2002-
Lingle Manor. Records, 1962-1967
The collection consists of correspondence, contracts, membership cards, lists of officers, constitutional amendments, and newspaper clippings.