Showing Collections: 26 - 50 of 742
Andrew Walker White Speeches
This collection consists of White's Respondent's Address for Commencement 1878 and his Inaugural Address as president of the Philanthropic Society in 1880.
Andrew Watson Wilson Collection
The collection consists a handwritten copy of his speech Fortitude! Fortitude!, a typescript of the speech and his Eumenean and Davidson College diplomas.
Androgyny. Records, 2001 -
Ann M. Mills Letter
The collection consists of a letter dated July 8, 1869. The letter, written to family members, describes her life and the Davidson College 1869 graduation.
Anne E.Sampson Reminiscences
The collection consists of a letter to Miss Cornelia Shaw describing Davidson College in the 1880s.
Anthony Abbott Literary Manuscripts
The collection consists of the typed manuscript of the original work that formed the basis for the two novels Leaving Maggie Hope (2003) and Three Great Secret Things (2007).
Anthropology Society. Records, 2000-
This collection consists mostly of correspondence from leaders to the club members. There is also a flyer advertising Native American History, Month (November), and a pamphlet promoting the Anthropology Society.
Aplian Book Club Collection
The collection consists of annual program booklets, minutes and by-laws. The program booklets list members, officers, and the topics for each meeting. Some of the booklets also identify specific books read. The minutes describe individual meetings and also include some book lists, attendance records and treasurer's reports. The Club is still active.
Archibald Alexander McFadyen Speech
The collection consists of McFadyen's Inaugural Address as president of the Philanthropic Society in 1899.
Archibald Brady Speech
The collection consists of a speech, "Inter-Oceanic Canal" presented June 15, 1882.
Archibald Campbell McIntyre Scrapbook
Archie Carter Dalton Papers
Ars Longa. Records, 2004-
This collection consists mostly of e-mail correspondence from leaders to the members. It also contains two copies of the Ars Longa constitution as well as calendars and descriptions of Ars Longa events. Additional records are housed digitally, these records include information on the college labyrinth.
Arthur Ernest Spencer Speech
The collection consists of Spencer's Junior Oration, "Florida" given on February 22, 1901.
Arthur Haake Memoir
The collection consists of a five page typescript entitled "Memoriter Diveristas." The piece was written after Haake's 70th reunion. It includes memories of student life and reflections on the idea of diversity.
As You Like It Book Club Collection
The collection consists of annual program booklets. The booklets list members, officers, and program topics for meetings.
Asenath Cooke Memoir
The collection consists of a collection of her memories published as Echoes of the Past: Recollections by Asenath Cooke plus a visual biography of Prudence Asenath Cooke and her family. For a related collection see DC0284s - Gamble-Goodrum-Cooke Albums.
Asian Culture and Awareness Association (ACAA). Records, 2000-
Assistant Dean for Academic Administration
Athenaeum Book Club Collection
The collection consists of copies of the Constitution and By-laws, 1952-1996 minutes, 1951-2008; programs, 1954- ; correspondence, 1956-1990; and a club cookbook, 1965-1966. The minutes list members, describe club activities and contain financial reports. The correspondence is primarily thank you notes and membership accecptances or resignations. The programs are annual program booklets that list officers, members, books read, and program topics.
Athletics - Club Sports. Records, 2008-2009
The general collection contsists of the 2008-9 Davidson College club sports manual. Additional records can be found for individual sports: RG 8/8.1 Crew; 8/8.2 Sailing; 8/8.3 Watersking; 8/8/4 Swimming; 8/8.5 Baseball; 8/8.6 Badmintion; 8/8.7 Ultimate Frisbee; 8/8.8 Water Polo; 8/8.9 Women's Tennis
Athletics - Compliance. Records
This collection contains a copy of the NCAA Rules and Regulations for Alumni, Boosters, and Friends of Davidson issued by the Athletic Department.
Athletics Director. Records, 1894-
This collection consists administrative files including policy manuals, planning documents for Baker Sports Complex and printed materials published by the Athletics Office. There is some overlap with the publications of the Sports Information Office (RG 8/2) but the majority of the publications in the Athletic Director's records deal with summer camps or special events.